Bitcoin halvings occur approximately every 4 years or after every 210,000 blocks have been mined. Here is a schedule of future Bitcoin halving dates based on current estimates:
- **5th Halving**:
- **Estimated Block Height**: 1,050,000
- **Estimated Date**: Around April 15, 2028
- **6th Halving**:
- **Estimated Block Height**: 1,260,000
- **Estimated Date**: Around May 1, 2032
- **7th Halving**:
- **Estimated Block Height**: 1,470,000
- **Estimated Date**: Around May 24, 2036
- **8th Halving**:
- **Estimated Block Height**: 1,680,000
- **Estimated Date**: Around June 18, 2040
- **9th Halving**:
- **Estimated Block Height**: 1,890,000
- **Estimated Date**: Around July 14, 2044
And so forth, with halvings continuing until around the year 2140 when the last Bitcoin will be mined. Here's how the halving process continues:
- **32nd Halving**:
- **Block Height**: When the block reward reaches less than 1 satoshi (the smallest unit of Bitcoin), the halving will effectively end. This is expected to be around the year 2140.
The exact dates for these events can vary slightly due to the variability in block mining times. Bitcoin's mining algorithm targets a block to be mined every 10 minutes, but the actual time can fluctuate based on the network's hashrate and difficulty adjustments. After each halving, the mining reward is reduced by half, following this progression:
- 50 BTC → 25 BTC → 12.5 BTC → 6.25 BTC → 3.125 BTC → 1.5625 BTC → and so on until it reaches the smallest denomination of Bitcoin, the satoshi.
This schedule reflects how the Bitcoin protocol is designed to control inflation and maintain scarcity, with the total supply capped at 21 million Bitcoins, fostering an economic incentive for holding Bitcoin as its issuance rate slows down over time.
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